【电器一批长协标 八】Inquiry announcement

release time:2023-10-05 10:23:25
2023-10-13 00:00:00

I、Project overview

Item number:XJCG23100309399125
Project name:电器一批长协标 八
project type:定向采购
Issued by:Delong steel
Released by:供应部

II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.

III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.

IV、quotation deadline:2023-10-13 00:00:00,Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.

V、attachment information

Title Relevant documents

VI、Clarification attachment

Title Relevant documents

、Target information

material code material name specification and model Unit of measurement purchase quantity used by Requirement note
10.565.012.0148 高温磁性翻柱液位计 工作压力:2.5MPa;规格型号:BTY_CJZ300WS;电源电压:AC220V;测量范围:0~1800mm;所带附件:无;安装方式:C;介质温度:适应温度:≤250℃; 0 转炉电工班
10.563.014.0089 电流互感器 额定负荷:10VA/15VA;额定电流比:200/5;额定电压:12/42/75KV;规格型号:LZZBJ9-10;绝缘方式:无;结构形式:见实物;准确级次:0.2级,10P级; 0 检修车间 原厂家:大连北方互感器集团有限公司 自动控制装置 额定电流:无;型号:ZNLK-10J;出轴方式:无;额定电压:无; 0 转炉电工班 高压高分断能力熔断器 额定电流:0.5A;额定电压:12Kv;型号:熔断器长度:195mm,直径:25mm; 0 电仪车间 中间继电器 电流:10A;电压:250V;型号:DRM270024LD 24vdc; 0 检修车间
10.551.999.4743 10KV变压器高压瓷瓶护套 材质:硅橡胶;耐压:10KV;7只为1套,高压侧黄、绿、红各1只,低压侧黄、绿、红、蓝各1只 0 检修车间 7只为1套,高压侧黄、绿、红各1只,低压侧黄、绿、红、蓝各1只 继电器 电流:无;电压:无;型号:PLC-BSC-230UC/21-21 配带触头2961202 品牌:菲尼克斯; 0 检修车间 10kv冷缩电缆终端头 规格型号:20-50mm²;用途:电缆;材质:无;工作电压(KV):10;安装材料:冷缩;备注:室内;品牌:无要求; 0 检修车间 一套三芯冷缩电缆终端头包含一个冷缩三指套、三个冷缩终端头、三根冷缩管、三根密封管、安装工艺、合格证、填充胶、密封胶,还有一包安装的小配件 船用直流接触器 线圈电压:27V;系列:无;容量:无;型号:MZJ-50;电流:50A;极数:无; 0 检修车间 智能型控制器 规格型号:CPA-201-220V;额定电流:无;额定电压:AC220V; 0 检修车间
10.561.006.0014 测温枪 规格型号:LCTC4.5/12(B);测量范围:无;分度号:无; 0 转炉电工班 联动控制台 箱位置:左箱+右箱;电流:额定电压:380V 左纵机构电流10A 右纵机构电流10A 左横机构电流10A 右横机构电流10A 要求各元件可与原车通用替换;型号:THQ1-400/K6027; 0 天车车间
10.831.006.2259 吹扫单元 型号:LG4100-MC 介质:(氮气),厂家现场核实。 0 转炉电工班 万能式断路器 规格型号:CW1-3200;额定电流:3200A;额定电压:额定工作电压:400V/690V;控制电压:AC230V; 0 连铸电工班

Quotation method: It is necessary to log in to the system to quote on this page. Please log in first.