【五金杂品,长协标5】Inquiry announcement

release time:2024-04-17 16:49:56
2024-04-26 20:00:00

I、Project overview

Item number:XJCG24041715178919
Project name:五金杂品,长协标5
project type:定向采购
Issued by:Delong steel
Released by:供应部

II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.

III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.

IV、quotation deadline:2024-04-26 20:00:00,Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.

V、attachment information

Title Relevant documents

VI、Clarification attachment

Title Relevant documents

、Target information

material code material name specification and model Unit of measurement purchase quantity used by Requirement note 高强石棉布 型号:高强; 公斤(千克) 0 高炉二车间 每卷50公斤,申报6卷 黑胶管 规格型号:1.2寸;接头形式:无;备注:17M;压力等级:无; 0 检修车间 增强胶管 规格型号:1寸,50米/盘;材质:无;公称压力(MPa):0.3MPa; 0 高炉一车间 黄腊管 耐压:无;型号:Φ20;备注:无 0 检修车间 黄腊管 耐压:无;型号:Φ25;备注:无 0 检修车间
10.501.027.0003 安全带 规格型号:防溅火花、双背型(全身)、配双安全挂钩;最大承重:无;分类:安全带; 0 高炉一车间
10.511.006.0008 钨钢打磨碟 直径:125;厚度:无;型号:125mm*22mm 粒度K18; 0 检修车间
10.521.001.0005 风镐 重量:无;规格型号:B47;全长:无; 0 高炉一车间
10.551.999.3709 电动三轮车前大灯 半封闭式帅克虎专用;配用车型2000*1200mm,左右两个为一付 0 检修车间
10.551.999.5025 铅封钳套装组合 铅封钳一把,8*4铅封豆一斤,铁线40m 粗细0.95mm; 0 机车班
10.551.999.5069 透明保护漆 品牌:无;规格型号:自喷型 -透明、单瓶425ML;工作温度:-15-70°C;介电强度:100KV/mm;粘度4.5mm/s;表干时间:20°C 30分钟。成膜类型:干膜。 0 检修车间
10.771.002.0262 风口玻璃镜片 品牌:无;用途:水工窥探风口用;温度:耐温1200℃;材质:无;厚度:φ26*3; 0 高炉一车间

Quotation method: It is necessary to log in to the system to quote on this page. Please log in first.