【2023年4月国产液压气动元件采购】Inquiry announcement

release time:2023-04-13 15:05:02
2023-04-20 15:00:00

I、Project overview

Item number:XJCG23041314190203
Project name:2023年4月国产液压气动元件采购
project type:定向采购
Issued by:Tianjin Iron Factory
Released by:备件部

II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.

III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.

IV、quotation deadline:2023-04-20 15:00:00,Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.

V、attachment information

Title Relevant documents

VI、Clarification attachment

Title Relevant documents

、Target information

material code material name specification and model Unit of measurement purchase quantity used by Requirement note
30204511520035050 法兰 H50-6 JB/ZQ4187 0 中厚板
30204511520033041 SAE法兰 2-1/2" 0 炼钢厂(热轧) 每套带对开法兰压板二只,带O型槽焊管一只、O型密封圈一只,螺栓一组
30204511505006750 快速接头 PEG8-6(T型变径三通接头,两头8) 0 天津铁厂有限公司
30204511301004008 回油滤油器 RFB-63*20Y 0 优质品牌
30204511301002150 旋装吸油过滤器 型号:EEJTPS-B-T 品牌:EVOTEK 0 动力厂 可用国产优质品牌替代
30204510501060110 气动截止换向阀 K22JK-40W(0.2-0.8MPa) 0 崇利制钢
30204510501026020 气动三联件 HAC5000-10 0.05--0.8MPa 0 中厚板
30204510501026014 气动三联件 AW4000.0.05-0.85MPa 0 崇利制钢
30204510501014100 气动减压阀 AR5000-10 0 崇利制钢
30204510501001034 电磁阀 TG2541-15 0 天铁热轧
30204510302270462 给油指示器 GZQ-15 0 中厚板
30204510302270460 给油指示器 GZQ-20 0 中厚板
30204510302126205 泄压阀 型号:SVJ5071-HS-WS-LG13品牌:FULFLO 0 动力厂 可用国产优质品牌替代
30204510302126201 空气疏水阀 型号:B1A 品牌:NICOSON 6分接口 0 动力厂 可用国产优质品牌替代
30204510302126200 温控阀 PT.NO:ATF4002 TEMP:110F 原配套厂家:金通灵科技集团股份有限公司 0 动力厂 可用国产优质品牌替代
30204510302062453 变量叶片泵 1PV2V4-18/50RA1MC016A1(配合Y160L-4 15KW的电机使用) 0 石灰石矿
30204510302060225 手提便携式齿轮油泵 WCB-75 220V 0 炼钢厂(热轧)
30204510302058190 液压马达 1QJM21-0.5S 0 中厚板
30204510302049463 测压接头 CSHM14X1.5 0 中厚板 备注型号:CSHM14X1.5/WD
30204510302011011 电磁换向阀 4V420-15 AC220V 0 崇利制钢
30204510302008153 电磁阀 TG2531-08 0 天铁热轧 无备件
30204510302008120 电磁阀 2W-200-20 220V 0

Quotation method: It is necessary to log in to the system to quote on this page. Please log in first.