【2023年5月国产液压气动元件采购】Inquiry announcement

release time:2023-05-11 11:43:48
2023-05-18 11:15:00

I、Project overview

Item number:XJCG23051110248896
Project name:2023年5月国产液压气动元件采购
project type:定向采购
Issued by:Tianjin Iron Factory
Released by:备件部

II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.

III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.

IV、quotation deadline:2023-05-18 11:15:00,Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.

V、attachment information

Title Relevant documents

VI、Clarification attachment

Title Relevant documents

、Target information

material code material name specification and model Unit of measurement purchase quantity used by Requirement note
30204511520001990 快插接头 PC10-04 0 动力厂
30204511520001888 空气对称快速接头(对接) PUC08-00 0 天铁热轧
30204511520001251 快速接头(等径三通) PE10 0 石灰石矿
30204511520001250 快速接头 PC10-03 0 石灰石矿
30204511520001026 气动接头 PC12-1/2英寸(螺纹直通) 0
30204511520001026 气动接头 PC12-1/2英寸(螺纹直通) 0 烧结厂
30204511520001015 气动接头 PC10-1/2英寸(螺纹直通) 0 烧结厂
30204511520001015 气动接头 PC10-1/2英寸(螺纹直通) 0
30204511520001001 气动接头 PC8-1/2英寸(螺纹直通) 0 烧结厂
30204511506006007 重型铝合金管夹 B(I)38 JB/ZQ 4008-97 0 天铁热轧
30204511506003013 铝管夹 B(I)40 JB/ZQ4008-97 0
30204511506001061 塑料管夹 φ60 0 中厚板
30204511506001060 管夹 B(I)63 JB/ZQ4008-84 0 天铁热轧
30204511506001013 管夹 B(I)34 JB/JQ4008-1997 0 天铁热轧
30204511506001008 管夹 B(Ⅰ)-60 JB/ZQ4008-84 0 天铁热轧
30204511506001007 管夹 B(Ⅰ)-48 JB/ZQ4008-84 0 天铁热轧
30204511506001006 管夹 B(Ⅰ)-42 JB/ZQ4008-84 0 天铁热轧
30204511506001001 管夹 B(Ⅰ)-76 JB/ZQ4008-84 0 天铁热轧
30204511505006750 快速接头 PEG8-6(T型变径三通接头,两头8) 0 天津铁厂有限公司
30204511505006679 气动快速接头 SF30+PF30 0 崇利制钢
30204511505006569 快插式气动接头 PC08-03 R1/2 0 天铁热轧 不锈钢或铜本体
30204511505006455 快速接头 PC8-02 0 崇利制钢
30204511505006406 快速接头(螺纹直通快插) 孔6mm,丝扣10mm 0 天津铁厂有限公司
30204511505006212 三通快速接头 铜镀锌,T型快插10mm 0 天津铁厂有限公司
30204511505006211 三通快速接头 铜镀锌,T型快插8mm 0 天津铁厂有限公司
30204511505006210 三通快速接头 铜镀锌,T型快插6mm 0 天津铁厂有限公司
30204511301002799 过滤器 RFA160x10L 0 河北物华循环资源有限公司
30204510501012013 两位五通电磁换向阀 HXPC 4V410-15 0.15-0.8MPa 0 炼钢厂(热轧)
30204510501002013 电磁换向阀 4V410-15 24V 0 崇利制钢
30204510302062100 轴向柱塞泵 2.5MCY14-1B(含调压阀)排量:25ml/r.压力31.5MPa,转速1500r/min。(启东高压油泵有限公司)带联轴器 0 崇利制钢
30204510302049766 测压软管 HFH2-P1 0 河北物华循环资源有限公司
30204510302046057 叶片泵 PV2R34-76-136-F-RFAR(辽宁阜新) 0 焦化厂
30204510302044150 蓄能器皮囊(带密封件) NXQA-10/31.5-L-Y 0 动力厂
30204510302039919 螺杆泵 HSNH120-46NZ 0 优质品牌
30204510302039066 油泵 T3SL210-46BRY/132S 0 天铁热轧 参照附件照片
30204510302020108 减压阀 QTY-50 0
30204510302009250 电磁阀 D5-02-3C60 AC220V 0 设备部
30204510302009130 电磁阀 4M410-15 24V 0
30204510302008301 电磁阀 2S250-25 0.05-1MPa 220V 0 崇利制钢
30204510302008300 安全阀 RXAF-S25/2.5 0 崇利制钢
30204510302008156 电磁阀 ZCLF-50 1.6mpa AC220V 0 中厚板
30204510301039001 卸荷阀 DA10-1-30/80 0
30204510220030006 油泵(含电机) 泵头型号:GR40SM16B100LT2 电机型号:YE3-100L-2/3KW/2900r 泵头品牌:HELNCO 台套 0 动力厂 参照附件照片
30204510204004813 自力式压力调节阀 V230D02 PN1.6 DN40 0 中厚板

Quotation method: It is necessary to log in to the system to quote on this page. Please log in first.